RSA competition winners

It was so exciting to take Sura, Regardt and Lucas to the RSA today. They took out the first, second and third places in the writing competition “What ANZAC day means to me.” They were presented with their prizes by Barb and Kevin. As always room 2 students are demonstrating Whaia Kia U, striving toContinue reading “RSA competition winners”


Today saw the start of our targeted PE lessons for the term. Not only will be practising ball skills (passing and catching), fielding skill and hitting, but also communication, teamwork and building our confidence. First lesson was a huge success and the class is really looking forward to our next session!

Term 2

What a great start to the new term we had today. Beautiful weather, catching up and getting back into the swing of it all. We had a well deserved game of long ball before lunch. Always fantastic to see the support and teamwork the students demonstrate. Ka rawe Akomanga tua rua!